In June of 2022, Trimarc Security hosted a webinar titled “Top 10 Ways to Improve Active Directory Security Quickly” presented by Sean Metcalf (@PyroTek3), Tyler Robinson (@tyler_robinson), and Darryl Baker (@DFIRdeferred).
The webcast covered several Active Directory attacks and configurations from Blue, Red, and Purple team perspectives to help illustrate why Trimarc makes some of our recommendations in our Active Directory Security Assessment (ADSA) and Enterprise Security Posture (ESP) services.
In the webinar, our team demonstrated some of the most valuable recommendations that can be implemented in the least amount of time. From that webinar, Jim Sykora – Identity Security Consultant at Trimarc Security created the following white paper on improving Active Directory (AD) security quickly, which you can download by clicking the link below.
A slide deck and a recording of the webcast can be found here: